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17 Oktober 2012

Cara Mengunci Folder pada Windows 7

Cara Mempassword Folder Windows 7. Sebenarnya pada Windows 7 udah ada fasilitas untuk mengunci / lock file atau folder, jadi kita ga perlu repot mencari aplikasi lain untuk cara itu. Aku baru nyoba untuk Windows 7 sih, untuk Windows XP atau Vista belum aku coba, ga tau bisa apa ga, yang jelas untuk Windows 7 dah terbukti.

Ga usah basa basi lah, langsung aja Cara Mengunci Folder pada Windows 7 :

1. Pada Windows Explore, terserah mau di C apa di D, buat folder baru, beri nama folder itu terserah kalian, misalkan aja folder Belajar


Emotion Facebook Part III

[[258968244165876]] [[286666501379430]] [[262520713809098]] [[159049157536013]] [[307904395916212]]
[[225447050864310]] [[209926462425564]] [[138411019605305]] [[221670374577056]] [[154671737968862]]
[[138007062977844]] [[291747794194724]] [[122952454488304]] [[337561022923016]] [[288878907831075]]
[[240630206008013]] [[264223330304357]] [[319462458078703]] [[239286912807413]] [[288721814513254]]
[[265575850170635]] [[345354905481875]] [[209004679185391]] [[259785247417432]] [[159480014157666]]
[[267428346644787]] [[239034746168540]] [[350046018344350]] [[209260572491236]] [[198316980259626]]
[[310959705610393]] [[214054278676095]] [[200638253359905]] [[334455703231303]] [[158066514298630]]
[[291152600919956]] [[295479677155336]] [[314363058604092]] [[262834777109378]] [[189006671194968]]
[[263319493729810]] [[251236504943440]] [[287904934588441]] [[185961414833909]] Nyan Cat
[[265434590178748]] [[164991926934921]] [[209695692449988]] [[250490361685507]] [[278968458819422]]
[[349625665051383]] [[205760419511603]] [[312189672135533]] [[299788346731384]] [[268532783202434]]
[[266669970059695]] [[204170799672068]] [[187204144709527]] [[331078983588306]] [[149240955184679]]
[[206407216112871]] [[240669959335314]] [[180619528702085]] [[347768705240557]] [[186661331430535]]
[[218646048216424]] [[344875905539434]] [[328111047214223]] [[323186421038846]] [[157802940990663]]
[[159535350818164]] [[296581710385765]] [[271261609598535]] [[159403400834378]] [[297487363621407]]
[[1156068411]]      [[135921843188987]] [[281219301903813]] [[199562043466774]] [[295738517127851]]

Emotion Facebook Part II

Kode Emotion Facebook Terbaru 2012

[[334954663181745]] - Kode Emotion Facebook untuk Spongebob

[[332936966718584]] - Kode Emotion Facebook Hello Kitty

[[326134990738733]] - Kode Emotion Facebook Pikachu

[[297354436976262]] - Kode Emotion Facebook Santa Claus

[[269153023141273]] - Kode Emotion Facebook Poring

[[252497564817075]] - Kode Emotion Facebook Kerokeroppi

Emotion Facebok Part I




Day Of The Zombie Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes:

During the game press " ` "  or the ~ key and enter any of the
following codes.

Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes:
Enable the console by using the "Option" menu. Then, press ~ to display
the console window. Enter seta thereisacow "1337" as a console command.

Then, press ~ to display the console window again and enter one of the
following codes to activate the cheat function.
Note: Open the cfg file with a text editor and change the
"seta monkeytoy" value from "1" to "0" if needed.

Result                             Code   
All weapons                      - give all
God mode                         - god
God mode but screen still shakes - demigod
No clipping mode                 - noclip
Flight mode                      - ufo
Enemies ignore you               - notarget
Full ammunition                  - give ammo
Spawn indicated item             - give [item name]
Set gravity; default is "39"     - jump_height [number]
Set speed; default is "1.00"     - timescale [number]
Add laser sight to all weapons   - cg_LaserForceOn 1
Remove gun graphics              - cg_drawGun
Zoom with any gun                - cg_fov
Better vision                    - r_fullbright

Cara Mudah Mengunci/Sembunyikan Folder Lewat Notepad

Kita kadang-kadang selalu risih atau pun marah jika ada orang lain yg membuka folder data kita seenaknya saja dan tanpa sepengetahuan kita sendiri. Disini saya akan memberikan tips bagaimana caranya mengunci folder data kita agar tidak ada orang yg bisa membukanya dan hanya kita sendiri yang bisa membukanya.
Berikut langkah-langkah mengunci folder lewat notepad :

  • Setelah itu anda copy Code tersebut yang ada dibawah ini.



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